Svelte Component


Navigate between multiple pages of content.

import { Paginator } from '@skeletonlabs/skeleton';
Source Page Source


NameSymbolatomic Number
Bi Bismuth 83
As Arsenic 33
Am Americium 95

Numeric Row

Use showNumerals to replace the text information with a row of buttons that allow you to quickly navigate pages. We recommend a small maxNumerals amount if you plan to support mobile devices with limited screen real estate.

NameSymbolatomic Number
Bi Bismuth 83
As Arsenic 33
Am Americium 95

Client-Side Pagination

Once your paginator component is setup you'll need to subdivide your local source content. This can be accomplished using Svelte's reactive properties paired with the JavaScript slice method.

$: paginatedSource = source.slice(
	page.offset * page.limit,             // start
	page.offset * page.limit + page.limit // end
	{#each paginatedSource as row}

Or combine with the Table component.

let tableHeaders: string[] = ['Positions', 'Name', 'Weight', 'Symbol'];
<Table source={{ head: tableHeaders, body: paginatedSource }} />

Server-Side Pagination

Use the page and amount events to notify your server of pagination updates.

function onPageChange(e: CustomEvent): void {
	console.log('event:page', e.detail);

function onAmountChange(e: CustomEvent): void {
	console.log('event:amount', e.detail);
<Paginator ... on:page={onPageChange} on:amount={onAmountChange}></Paginator>

See Also

Utilize a data-driven model to create simple presentational tables.

Table Component →